Walkerbot  Fall 2015

    The first step in walking is to ....fall down. A walking robot must be dynamically stable and able to adjust its gait to move both forward and backward along a central axis. In this challenge, the bots also must have a personality that may or may not reflect their designer. As you look through this gallery, see if you can identify who made what.

      Select your bot from the images below. Right click the image and select the "save as" option. Save the image to a folder in your documents. Then, insert the image into a Word Document.

     Crop the image so that it is balanced in the frame. Format the picture for brightness and contrast. Save the document. You will  also need to place your image into the Challenge Blank for your portfolio.

     If you want to print a color image, you will need to go to the media center during lunch or after school with a pass. Look for a video of the Walking Bots over the weekend.

Click on the image to view it full size.
Right click and save it to your desktop.
    Copyright December, 2015