Baby Buggy: Spring 2016
   The challenge is to construct a carrier for your RCX that reflects your personality.

   This buggy will be the vehicle with which you will learn how to program. It must be structurally stable and dynamically sound. It must also be fast -- if you want to be the first to navigate the Maze.
   You will need to fill out a report to earn credit for this assignment. The specifications are in the Buggy Design Rubric. To earn credit for this assignment, you must describe the structural elements in your buggy that support structural and dynamic integrity. Confused? take another look at the lesson on forces from Applied Robot Engineering.
   Select your bot from the images below. Right click the image and select the "save as" option. Save the image to a folder in your documents. Then, insert the image into a Word Document. Crop the image so that it is balanced in the frame. Format the picture for brightness, contrast and wrap your text around the image. . Save the document. If you want to print a color image, you will need to go to the media center during lunch or after school with a pass.
Click on the image to view it full size.

Right click and save it to your desktop.
        Copyright March, 2016